Chord Electronics and Rob Watts at CanJam

Chord Electronics and Rob Watts at CanJam

Chord Electronics and its Digital Design Consultant Rob Watts are set to welcome music lovers this weekend

15 July 2024, Kent, England: Chord Electronics is set to welcome music lovers to this year’s CanJam London at the weekend (20-21 July), where it will be presenting some of its latest proprietary-technology DACs and amplifiers aided by the company’s Digital Design Consultant, Rob Watts, who will be talking digital throughout the two-day event. 

Showgoers can experience a wide range of products including the multi-award-winning Mojo 2 portable DAC and headphone amplifier, the Hugo 2 transportable DAC and headphone amplifier, plus the M Scaler standalone upscaler, which takes DAC performance to unseen levels, thanks to its advanced filter technology and ability to upscale audio to 768 KHz, an incredible 16x the resolution of standard CD.

Further products at the show include the acclaimed Qutest DAC, Anni desktop integrated/headphone amp, flagship DAVE DAC/preamp and, from the Chord Electronics Professional range*, the Alto nearfield monitor/headphone amp.

Chord Electronics’ friendly staff will be joining Rob Watts to demonstrate the products, offer advice and answer questions throughout the weekend. Although headphones are provided, attendees are invited and encouraged to use their own headphones to enjoy the electronics on offer through more familiar devices.

Chord Electronics at CanJam London

20-21 July, Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge, London.

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